Monday, September 5, 2011

2/50x2: 2012

I have to admit, I am a sucker for a good disaster film. And when I saw the trailer for this one I was pretty psyched to see it.

Of course, I never really got around to actually watching it - then it got torn apart all over the place. But, I figured I would give it a shot with my second 50 list.

Anyway, 2012 stars John Cusack as Jackson Curtis. Curtis is an author who wrote a science fiction book about living on a spaceship. I honestly have no idea why Curtis is the main character, unless of course he is someone we can identify with.

Because, honestly, the only thing Curtis did was write a book and happen along two major things on a camping trip to Yellowstone with his children. One being Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor), who has discovered that the Earth will soon be going through some serious issues due solar flares that will cause the Earth's core temperature to increase. The second being Charlie Frost (Woody Harrelson), a conspiracy theorist who broadcasts on the radio. Frost tells Curtis about what is about to happen and that the government has created 'ships' to protect the smart, important and rich.

Curtis, of course, does not believe him until returning to Los Angeles to drive a Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov (Zlatko Buric) and his twin boys to the airport. The children let it slip that they have a spot on one of these ships because they are so rich.

The rest of the film involves Curtis getting his family that consists of his children, his ex-wife Kate (Amanda Peet) and her boyfriend, Gordon Silberman (Thomas McCarthy) from Los Angeles to China where the 'ships' are located. Oh, and figuring out how to get a spot on the ship that costs a ton of money.

This film also stars Thandie Newton as the presidents daughter, Laura Wilson; Danny Glover as President Wilson; and Oliver Platt as Carl Anheuser.

It was a decent disaster film, but nothing extraordinary here. I really enjoyed Harrelson's character, but he didn't have a lot of screen time.

The film borrows a lot from other disaster films, such as 'the arcs' from Deep Impact and the Earth killing itself (or healing itself) in The Day After Tomorrow.

I enjoyed the film, but I don't feel it is one that I will rush to see again - perhaps in the future, but, again, nothing too extraordinary here.


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