Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday's With Movies: 12/18/12 Part I

A ton of films being released during the week leading up to Christmas. Pretty much a time for Hollywood to dump everything in hopes of picking up those holiday shoppers.

In fact, there are so many films coming out this week I had to split this into two parts. First time for everything.

Pitch Perfect: I wanted to take my wife out to see this in the movie theater, but we never were able to find the time to check it out. I feel she would enjoy the singing/dancing portions - I would probably like those as well, but I definitely was going to support Ms. Kendrick. Definitely checking this out when we can.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days: I may be writing the same thing as I wrote on the last Diary of a Wimpy Kid release. But, this book series is pretty popular with the younger generation, and although my son isn't to that age yet he will be soon. I am sure he will be getting into these books eventually, so we will probably be looking into the movies eventually as well.

Total Recall: I honestly don't really remember anything being said good or bad about this film. Which, for a pretty big blockbuster, probably cannot be a good thing. Anyway, I still haven't checked out Schwarzenegger's original, but I will eventually. This one still has me intrigued, though.

Trouble With the Curve: Baseball is not my favorite sport. I would probably watch almost anything besides a baseball game on television. But, baseball makes for a great movie - not sure why this doesn't really translate for a lot of other sport films. Although, I have heard not many great things about this film it does have some great actors. And, I guess I can look past Clint Eastwood and give this one a try.

Resident Evil: Retribution: Not sure how many films this franchise is on now, but I have yet to watch any of them and really have no ambition to ever watch them. So, this one will be skipped.

Arbitrage: For a movie I had never heard of before, I actually heard more about this movie than I did Total Recall. Apparently despite its pretty small budget and lackluster release it may be pretty good. Not sure if that is enough to woo me, but we shall see in the future.

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